From today's Gospel:
Luke 11: 27 - 28
27 As he said this, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, "Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked!"
28 But he said, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!"
I am devoted to Mary, the mother of God. I do believe that peoples' souls live on after the body dies. Hence, there are many passed away, yet still "living". I often ask people whom I consider close to God to pray for me in my little trials and tribulations. People like Deacon Jim, or, if I could, Mother Angelica from EWTN. So it is natural to ask Mary to pray for me as well. I have, and often do. And I think she listens and does intercede effectively. I don't understand why protestants have such a problem with this. However, I do not think that devotion to the Blessed Mother is the end-all answer. There are people who pay lip service to respecting Mary, yet choose to ignore the Word of God when it comes time to keep it. These folks are fooling themselves. Be alert, do not presume goodness to follow from a person who uses devotion to Mary to gain your confidence. See what decisions they make when faced with following the word of God or not. Still, do not discard the value of her intercession when you want some company in your prayers. She should be blessed since God chose her out of all the humans he created to bear his son and to nurture him. Jesus was fully human and fully God. Surely he loves and honors his mother.
If you want to do a good job with your time on earth, listen to Jesus' words: hear the word of God AND KEEP IT! That is how you glorify God, and that is why you are here.
Shame on the pop star, the hypocrites, and anyone who would use the respect due to the true Madonna to mislead those who are trying to honor her.
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