17.47 inches now since the drought. The pastures are soggy.
Psalm 59: O God, rescue me from those who do evil. I will sing of your strength, the God who shows me love.
1 Cor.: No trial has come to you but what is human.
John: As the Father loves me, so also do I love you. Remain in my love.
Sometimes people that we love shock us by doing something evil. It hurts even more when they do it to us. It is not as much the value of the theft or the damage done by the lie, but the fact that they have returned your love with evil. We are made in God's image. We are designed to give love. We are fulfilled by doing so. We want to trust those that we love. When they do evil to us it hardens our hearts. The more sincere your love, the deeper the cut. Maybe it is God's way of showing us how he feels when we sin. Sin cuts us off from love. The offended party cannot give love while the offense remains. How they yearn for the loved one to come clean, to tell the true reason why they did it, to acknowledge the offense, to apologize. How happy it is to be able to resume our love. How terribly we miss being able to give it. Be right with God. Stay in his love. Ask for his help when you examine your conscience, and be honest when you confess your sins. If you have betrayed another's love you should make it right with them. Admit what you did and why. They want to love you.
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