In today's gospel the risen Jesus is with his disciples and tells them that he is soon leaving them. Then he goes on to say "I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so also should you love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." Later in John's gospel Jesus adds "if you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love."
There is a popular Christian song about knowing they are Christians by their love. This sounds wonderful, but it can be a tall order. It doesn't take much to love a saint who keeps all God's commandments. Yet there are many Christians who don't keep very many of them. We are called to love the sinner, but hate the sin. Even those who hurt you personally. Has someone physically assaulted you? Don't put yourself in harm's way, but follow Pope John Paul II's example that he set with the man who shot him. Try to discover the truth, so that you can point out their error and love them in spite of their sin. Has someone lied to you, stolen from you, lied about you? How about all of the above from the same person? Try to point out their errors, but don't subject yourself to any more. If they will not listen, then try to go with an elder to point them out. You should hate the sins, and if they are Christian they will repent. Do all that you can to help the Good Shepherd bring them back to the flock. We are all parts of the Body of Christ. Try to understand the truth behind the behavior. Do not accept sinful behavior, but do try to understand and help the sinner, then pray that you will remain in Christ's love.
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