Worth dying for?
From today's Magnificat reading:
The Catechism teaches that "by sending his only Son and the Spirit of Love in the fullness of time, God has revealed his innermost secret: God himelf is an eternal exchange of love, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and he has destined us to share in that exchange" (221). "The complete Trinity dwells in us" R.P. Philippon). "In the communion of grace with the Trinity, man's 'living area' is broadened and raised up to the supernatural level of divine life. Man lives in and by God" (Pope John Paul II)
Three persons, one God. Hard to understand. Newsflash: even the concept of one God is hard for many people to understand. Much about God is hard to understand. After all, He is God, and we are mere creatures. The sheep in the herd don't really understand the sheperd, it is enough to know he is there and that he takes care of them. Being made in God's image, we keep trying to expand our understanding beyond our reason. We do trust in the wisdom of the ages, and the instructions left by our loving ancestors. We inherit the faith of our fathers when it comes to matters beyong our comprehension. I suppose the islamic jihadists do as well. I wonder what Athanasius and Arius would say if they had foreseen all the trouble that came from their exchange?
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